In this tutorial, we’ll create a custom Gitlab CI runner, with a sidecar Docker-in-Docker container for building and caching Docker images.
There are many tutorials and resources for running CI/CD jobs with Gitlab CI, but none that show how to run unit tests with Docker Compose, and very few that show exactly how to cache Docker images between Gitlab CI jobs so that Docker doesn’t have to keep pulling new images from Docker Hub, slowing down your builds and using up your Docker Hub quota.
Benefits of this setup:
- Don’t use up Gitlab CI shared runner minutes
- Keep your secret data locked down
- Cache Docker images for speed and efficiency
This article assumes you have Docker installed on your computer. If not, now is the time to install it. Why Docker? Read more here.
Gitlab repo setup
Let’s bootstrap an excellent Python FastAPI setup from this course. This setup includes two Docker containers (FastAPI and PostgreSQL), so it uses Docker Compose. It also has pytest unit tests ready to go, perfect for a CI/CD job pipeline.
Copy the TestDriven.io Github repo to your own Gitlab account with the following steps. If you don’t yet have a Gitlab account, now is the time to sign up. First export your Gitlab repository URL (e.g. https://gitlab.com/mccarthysean):
export MY_GITLAB=
Insert your new repo name here (e.g. gitlab_test_runner)
export NEW_REPO=
Clone the repository we’re going to use/copy
git clone --bare https://github.com/testdrivenio/fastapi-crud-async.git
Change into the newly-created directory
cd fastapi-crud-async.git
Now push a copy of the repo to our own Gitlab repository. If it fails the first time, try again and it should work.
git push --mirror $MY_GITLAB/$NEW_REPO
Exit the “bare” folder and remove it
cd ..
rm -rf fastapi-crud-async.git
Clone your new repo into the folder
git clone $MY_GITLAB/$NEW_REPO
Next let’s add the following “.gitlab-ci.yml” Gitlab CI config file, defining our image-building and testing jobs:
touch .gitlab-ci.yml
# Default Docker image to use for running our stages
# Includes Docker Compose
name: docker/compose:1.29.2
# Override the entrypoint (important)
entrypoint: [""]
# Add another Docker image, which will start up at the same time
# as the above Docker Compose image. This is "Docker-in-Docker",
# and when your script includes a `docker` command, it'll run inside
# this container.
- name: docker:dind
alias: dind
# Job stages
- build
- test
# - deploy
# Global variables available in the Docker job containers
# Disable TLS since we're running inside local network.
# DOCKER_HOST is essential. It tells docker CLI how to talk to Docker daemon.
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dind:2375 # No TLS
# Use the overlayfs driver for improved performance.
# Use Docker BuildKit for better caching and faster builds
# What to call, and where to push, the resulting Docker images
# Do the following before each job
# First test that gitlab-runner has access to Docker
- docker info
# Install bash in the Alpine image
- apk add --no-cache bash
# Login to the Gitlab registry
# The first "build" stage
stage: build
# Build and push the image to the Gitlab image repo, with Docker and BuildKit
- docker-compose build
- docker push $IMAGE
# The second "test" stage
stage: test
# Start the containers in the background,
# using the cached images built in the previous "build" step
- docker-compose up -d
# Find the Docker Compose service (container) called "web", which contains pytest
- export CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-compose ps -q web)
# Look at the containers we started
- docker ps
# Optional: wait until the container is up
- until [ "`docker inspect -f $CONTAINER_ID`"=="true" ]; do sleep 0.1; done;
# Key step: run our unit tests with pytest
- docker exec --tty $CONTAINER_ID pytest
allow_failure: false
Before we can kick off this CI/CD pipeline at Gitlab using their “shared runners”, we have to modify the “docker-compose.yml” file so that it builds and caches the $IMAGE
defined in our “.gitlab-ci.yml” config file, as follows:
version: '3.8'
# New!
context: ./src
image: $IMAGE
command: |
bash -c 'while !</dev/tcp/db/5432; do sleep 1; done; uvicorn app.main:app --reload --workers 1 --host --port 8000'
- ./src/:/usr/src/app/
- 8002:8000
- DATABASE_URL=postgresql://hello_fastapi:hello_fastapi@db/hello_fastapi_dev
image: postgres:13-alpine
- postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/
- 5432
- POSTGRES_USER=hello_fastapi
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hello_fastapi
- POSTGRES_DB=hello_fastapi_dev
Run the jobs
Believe it or not, your Gitlab CI pipeline is ready for its first test! As soon as we push your new “.gitlab-ci.yml” and “docker-compose.yml” files to your Gitlab repo, Gitlab will automatically start a pipeline of your “build” and “test” jobs.
Let’s add all the files in the directory:
git add .
Now commit them with a message:
git commit -m "Added Gitlab CI/CD file, and modified docker-compose.yml"
Finally, push the changes to your remote (online) Gitlab repo:
git push
Now you can (and should!) view them under “CI/CD” and then “Pipelines”.
Click on the “build” stage icon in Gitlab, then click again, and it will take you to the “Jobs” page, where you can watch the action in real time… Wait patiently until both jobs/stages (“build” and “test”) complete successfully.
Deploy a custom Gitlab runner
By “real time” I mean slooooowww time. We’re currently setup to use Gitlab CI’s “shared runners”, which are quite slow. Plus, you only get so many minutes of free CI/CD job time each month.
Let’s speed it up by deploying and registering our own custom Gitlab runner. Then we can also cache our images, which will further speed things up. The shared runners have to build them from scratch every time, unless you first pull the remote image.
Create another compose file for our custom Gitlab runner, “docker-compose.runner.yml”:
version: '3.8'
image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine3.14-v15.3.3
container_name: gitlab_runner
env_file: .env
# There is NO need for this container to have root privileges!
# privileged: true
# REGISTRATION_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL are needed for manually registering runners
# REGISTRATION_TOKEN is in .env file
GITLAB_URL: https://gitlab.com/
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dind:2375 # No TLS
# Disable Docker TLS validation
- runner_config_volume:/etc/gitlab-runner:Z
restart: unless-stopped
# For persisting the config with the registered runners
name: runner_config_volume
The above file will create our own Gitlab runner Docker container. It just needs us to create a “.env” file with our REGISTRATION_TOKEN
, which gives us permission to access this repository at Gitlab.
is under the repository “Settings” then “CI/CD”. Expand the “Runners” you’ll see it under “Specific Runners”
Create a “.env” file and add the following, with your own unique registration token:
Modify the “.gitignore” file so that git doesn’t push your secret “.env” file to the repo, as follows:
# NEW!
Let’s fire it up locally in the background, and register it with Gitlab!
docker-compose -f docker-compose.runner.yml up -d --build
Check to see that it’s running:
docker ps
Now we have to register the runner with Gitlab.com so it’s available to run our jobs. Enter the already-running, daemonized container:
docker exec -it gitlab_runner bash
variable is set properly through your “.env” file:
Now for a really long command to register and configure the runner with Gitlab.com. The following command sets the defaults for when your Gitlab runner starts up new Docker containers in which to run your CI/CD jobs.
What exactly happens after a new code commit is pushed to Gitlab? It’s a bit complicated actually, so here are the steps, one-by-one:
- Code push to Gitlab repo triggers CI/CD pipeline of jobs
- Gitlab runner is constantly polling Gitlab.com for jobs, and finds one matching its tags
- Gitlab runner starts up helper containers in which to run jobs
- If those jobs use Docker commands (to build/push images or run unit tests), the sidecar Docker-in-Docker service container handles them
Copy and paste the following, and run it inside the Gitlab Runner container you’ve just entered:
gitlab-runner --debug register \
--non-interactive \
--url $GITLAB_URL \
--registration-token $REGISTRATION_TOKEN \
--executor docker \
--description "My Custom Docker Runner - $(date)" \
--docker-image "docker:stable" \
--tag-list "dind,fastapi" \
--run-untagged=true \
--locked=false \
--docker-privileged=true \
--docker-tlsverify=false \
--docker-host "tcp://dind:2375" \
--docker-volumes "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
--docker-volumes "/cache" \
--docker-volumes "/builds:/builds" \
--access-level "not_protected" \
--docker-network-mode "host"
Refresh the Gitlab.com “Settings/CI/CD” page and you’ll see your runner under “Runners/Available specific runners”. Congrats, you’ve just created and registered your own custom Gitlab CI runner. Now your CI/CD jobs will run much faster and more securely.
You can now disable the Gitlab.com “Shared runners” since you have your own, faster runner.
Go back into “CI/CD/Jobs” and click on one of your stages (either “build” or “test”), to where you see the Bash script output, and click on “Retry” to run it again, this time using your own custom runner.
Now make it faster
We now have our own custom Gitlab runner, which is much faster than the Gitlab.com shared runners. This is where most people stop. But we can make it faster still with image caching. And we can use less Docker Hub quota and network bandwidth.
We do this by adding our own Docker-in-Docker (dind) service container, instead of having Gitlab runner automatically create a new one for each build stage/job. This way we can save the Docker-in-Docker downloaded and built images in its own persisted Docker volume.
In your “.gitlab-ci.yml” config file, remove the following section. We’re going to create our own “dind” container.
# Add another Docker image, which will start up at the same time
# as the above Docker Compose image. This is "Docker-in-Docker",
# and when your script includes a `docker` command, it'll run inside
# this container.
- name: docker:dind
alias: dind
Let’s add another container, volume, and network to our “docker-compose.runner.yml” file:
version: '3.8'
# NEW!
# dind and the runner are started on the host docker daemon and linked together.
# dind is used by the runner to start the jobs (environment: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dind:2375).
# dind's docker.sock is mounted into the Gitlab Runner-created job containers (--docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock)
# in the runner registration setup step, so they can use docker commands.
# As long as the dind volume is not deleted, the docker cache persists between jobs on this runner.
image: docker:20.10.10-rc1-dind-alpine3.14
container_name: gitlab_runner_dind
# Root user privileges required for dind container to work
privileged: true
# Disable Docker TLS validation
- gitlab_runner_network
# For persisting the image cache, to speed up CI/CD jobs
- dind_volume:/var/lib/docker
restart: unless-stopped
image: gitlab/gitlab-runner:alpine3.14-v15.3.3
container_name: gitlab_runner
env_file: .env
# There is NO need for this container to have root privileges!
# privileged: true
# REGISTRATION_TOKEN and GITLAB_URL are needed for manually registering runners
# REGISTRATION_TOKEN is in .env file
GITLAB_URL: https://gitlab.com/
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://dind:2375 # No TLS
# Disable Docker TLS validation
- runner_config_volume:/etc/gitlab-runner:Z
restart: unless-stopped
# NEW!
- gitlab_runner_network
# NEW!
- dind
# NEW!
# Legacy link to service with hostname "dind" and alias "docker".
# This is absolutely necessary.
- dind:docker
# For persisting the config with the registered runners
name: runner_config_volume
# NEW!
# For cached Docker images
name: gitlab_runner_dind_volume
# NEW!
driver: overlay
name: gitlab_runner_network
Rebuild with Docker Compose. Your runner will still be registered because of the persisted runner_config_volume
docker-compose -f docker-compose.runner.yml up -d --build
Check that you now have two containers–the runner, and the “dind” Docker-in-Docker service container:
docker ps
Go back into your CI/CD pipeline, or jobs, and restart the job. Either that, or push a superficial change to your Gitlab repo, to trigger a new pipeline of jobs.
Your job should now be running, using both of the following custom containers that you own:
- Your custom Gitlab runner
- Your dind Docker-in-Docker service container
The “build” job will take longer this time because it will reinstall the Python packages from scratch, but then the Docker-built image will be stored in the Docker-in-Docker container’s persistent volume, so next time it will be much faster. Your “test” job should be lightning fast since it uses the cached images from the build job.
Let’s go into the Docker-in-Docker “dind” container to check its cached images:
docker exec -it gitlab_runner_dind sh
docker image ls
You should see four newly-cached images, ready for your next CI/CD jobs:
- gitlab_test_runner:my_image
- postgres:13-alpine
- gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-…
- docker/compose:1.29.2
In this tutorial, you’ve learned:
- How to run a Gitlab CI/CD jobs pipeline
- How to use pytest to run unit tests with a Docker Compose container
- How to create your own custom Gitlab runner
- How to create your own Docker-in-Docker service container
Congrats, you now have the fastest, cheapest, most secure CI/CD pipeline around, using nothing but open source technology.
In case you didn’t notice, you also have an asynchronous FastAPI/PostgreSQL website up and running. Check out that tutorial next!
Deploy FastAPI locally (same as the Gitlab CI pipeline does) with the following:
# e.g. export IMAGE=registry.gitlab.com/mccarthysean/gitlab_test_runner:my_image
export IMAGE=<your image name>
docker-compose up -d --build
Check out your FastAPI endpoints at http://localhost:8002/docs.