In this three-part tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a reactive single-page application entirely in Python, featuring dynamic time series charts from Dash/Plotly, on a Flask website with a specialized time series database called TimescaleDB, which itself is based on PostgreSQL. Quite a mouthful, but this is a pretty cool tech stack that is easy to learn and program, as it only uses Python and regular SQL (no JavaScript). So it’s an ideal stack for quickly deploying data science applications.

The first part of the tutorial will focus on using Docker to setup the specialized TimescaleDB database, and PGAdmin for managing it. We’ll create some simulated IoT data and showcase some of the cool features of TimescaleDB, which you won’t find with ordinary PostgreSQL.

The second part will focus on setting up a Python Flask website that integrates with the amazing Dash library for creating React JavaScript-based single-page applications (SPA). I’ll show you how to properly integrate Dash into Flask, so you can have the best of both web frameworks.

The third part will focus on using Dash to create interactive time series charts for monitoring your IoT data or showcasing your data science application.

All the code for this tutorial can be found here at GitHub.

I use Docker wherever possible, for reproducible environments, and super-easy deployment using Docker Swarm, so if you’re not familiar with Docker, check out the documentation here.

Part 1 - TimescaleDB, PGAdmin, and Docker

First, let’s create a Docker network so our forthcoming containers can talk to each other:

docker network create --attachable --driver bridge timescale_network

Next, let’s start a local TimescaleDB database using Docker-Compose. This will quickly start a local PostgreSQL database with the TimescaleDB extension automatically configured. Create the following docker-compose.timescale.yml file:

# docker-compose.timescale.yml

version: '3.7'
    image: timescale/timescaledb:1.7.4-pg12
      - type: volume
        # source: timescale-db # the volume name
        source: timescale_volume
        # target: the location in the container where the data are stored
        target: /var/lib/postgresql/data 
        read_only: false
      # Custom postgresql.conf file will be mounted (see command: as well)
      - type: bind
        source: ./postgresql_custom.conf
        target: /postgresql_custom.conf
        read_only: false
    env_file: .env
      POSTGRES_HOST: timescale
    command: ["-c", "config_file=/postgresql_custom.conf"]
        condition: on-failure

# Creates a named volume to persist our database data

# Joins our external network
    external: true

Note a few things about the above Docker-Compose file:

  1. It uses the timescale_network we created in the previous step.
  2. It uses a volume to persist the database’s data, even if the Docker container is removed or replaced. This is very common for ‘Dockerized’ databases.
  3. It uses port 5432 (this will be important when we try to access the database in the future).
  4. It uses a custom configuration file, and a .env file to store secret database connection information, like your database password. Let’s create those two files next.

Here’s the custom configuration file, in case you want/need to change any of these settings in the future. The file is too long to put in a code block in this article, so just click this link, then copy and paste the text into a file called postgresql_custom.conf and put it in the root of your project folder.

Next, here’s a template for our secret .env file, which you can leave in the root of your project folder, alongside the Docker-Compose and database configuration files:

# .env

# For the Postgres/TimescaleDB database. 

Now that we’ve added the custom configuration and .env files, you can start the TimescaleDB database with the following command. The -d starts the container in the background (--detached).

docker-compose -f docker-compose.timescale.yml up -d

Check your running containers with docker container ls or the old-school docker ps. If the container is restarting, check the logs with docker logs <container id> and ensure you’ve setup the .env file, the config file, and the Docker network it depends on.

Finally, let’s create a friendly PGAdmin environment for administering our database and running SQL. Create a file called docker-compose.pgadmin.yml and add the following:

# docker-compose.pgadmin.yml

version: '3.7'
    # Name of the container this service creates. Otherwise it's prefixed with the git repo name
    image: "dpage/pgadmin4:latest"
    restart: unless-stopped
    env_file: .env
      # So the database server settings get saved and stored even if the container is replaced or deleted
      - pgadmin:/var/lib/pgadmin


    external: true

Add the following lines to your .env file for PGAdmin. You’ll need this login information when you try to access PGAdmin in the web browser.

# .env

# For the PGAdmin web app

Start the PGAdmin (PostgreSQL Admin) web application with the following Docker command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.pgadmin.yml up -d

Run docker container ls again to check if the PGAdmin container is running. Note we specified a port of 9000, so you can now access PGAdmin at http://localhost:9000 or Login with the username and password you setup in your .env file.

Now that you’ve logged into PGAdmin, right-click on “Servers” and “Create/Server…”. Name it “TimescaleDB Local” in the “General” tab, and type the following into the “Connection” tab:

  • Host: timescale (this is the Docker “Service” hostname defined in the first docker-compose.yml file for the TimescaleDB database container)
  • Port: 5432
  • Maintenance database: postgres
  • Username: postgres
  • Password: password

Click “Save” and you should be connected. Now you can double-click on “TimescaleDB Local” and you can access your database tables at “/Databases/postgres/Schemas/public/Tables”. Pretty cool, huh? Under the “Tools” menu, click on “Query Tool” and you’re ready to start writing SQL.

You’re now the proud commander of a TimescaleDB database, which is identical to a PostgreSQL database (“The world’s most advanced open source database”, if you believe their marketing), except that it now has special abilities for dealing with high-frequency time series data.

Time series data is a bit different from regular relational data for describing users and things. Time series data can arrive any second, or even multiple times per second, depending on what you’re storing, so the database needs to be able to handle lots of insertions. Some examples are financial data, such as stock market trading prices, or internet of things (IoT) data, usually for monitoring environmental metrics like temperature, pressure, humidity, or anything else you can think of. Usually when you query time series data, you’re interested in the most recent data, and you’re usually filtering on the timestamp column, so that definitely needs to be indexed. TimescaleDB specializes in this sort of thing.

Let’s create a special TimescaleDB “Hypertable” and insert some data to play with. Here’s the documentation. And here’s the tutorial from which I’m getting the simulated data SQL.

In PGAdmin, if you’re not already there, under the “Tools” menu, click on “Query Tool” and type the following SQL to create two IoT data tables:

  type VARCHAR(50),
  location VARCHAR(50)

CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
  sensor_id INTEGER,
  temperature DOUBLE PRECISION,
  FOREIGN KEY (sensor_id) REFERENCES sensors (id)

Now the special part that you can’t do in a regular PostgreSQL database. We’re going to transform the sensor_data table into a “Hypertable”. Behind the scenes, TimescaleDB is going to partition the data on the time dimension, making it easier to filter, index, and drop old time series data.

If you’ve come to this tutorial to take advantage of TimescaleDB’s unique features, the following is where the magic happens.

Run the following query in PGAdmin to create the hypertable, automatically partitioned on the “time” dimension:

SELECT create_hypertable('sensor_data', 'time');

Now that our specialized time series table has been created, let’s create a special index on the sensor ID, since we’re very likely to filter on both sensor ID and time.

create index on sensor_data (sensor_id, time desc);

Let’s now add a few different sensors to the “sensors” table:

INSERT INTO sensors (type, location) VALUES
  ('a', 'ceiling'),
  ('b', 'ceiling');

Now for the fun part–let’s create some simulated time series data:

INSERT INTO sensor_data 
  (time, sensor_id, cpu, temperature)
  random() AS cpu,
  random()*100 AS temperature
    now() - interval '31 days', 
    now(), interval '5 minute'
  ) AS g1(time), 
  generate_series(1,4,1) AS g2(sensor_id);

Run a simple select query to see some of our newly-simulated data:

FROM sensor_data
WHERE time > (now() - interval '1 day')
ORDER BY time;

Here’s another example of selecting the aggregated data (i.e. a 1-hour average, instead of seeing every single data point):

  time_bucket('1 hour', time) AS period, 
  AVG(temperature) AS avg_temp, 
  AVG(cpu) AS avg_cpu 
FROM sensor_data 
  time_bucket('1 hour', time)
  time_bucket('1 hour', time);

From the official TimescaleDB tutorial, let’s showcase two more queries. First, instead of a time series history, you might just want the latest data. For that, you can use the “last()” function:

  time_bucket('30 minutes', time) AS period, 
  AVG(temperature) AS avg_temp, 
  last(temperature, time) AS last_temp --the latest value
FROM sensor_data 
GROUP BY period;

And of course, you’ll often want to join the time series data with the metadata (i.e. data about data). In other words, let’s get a location for each sensor, rather than a sensor ID:

  t2.location, --from the second metadata table
  time_bucket('30 minutes', time) AS period, 
  AVG(temperature) AS avg_temp, 
  last(temperature, time) AS last_temp, 
  AVG(cpu) AS avg_cpu 
FROM sensor_data t1 
INNER JOIN sensors t2 
  on t1.sensor_id =

TimescaleDB has another very useful feature called “continuous aggregates” for continually and efficiently updating aggregated views of our time series data. If you often want to report/chart aggregated data, the following view-creation code is for you:

CREATE VIEW sensor_data_1_hour_view
WITH (timescaledb.continuous) AS --TimescaleDB continuous aggregate
  time_bucket('01:00:00'::interval, sensor_data.time) AS time,
  AVG(temperature) AS avg_temp, 
  AVG(cpu) AS avg_cpu
FROM sensor_data
  time_bucket('01:00:00'::interval, sensor_data.time)

That’s it for part 1 of this three-part tutorial on TimescaleDB, Dash, and Flask. Here’s part 2 on integrating Dash and Flask. Part 3 will focus on creating reactive, interactive time series charts in Dash for your single-page application (SPA).

Stay healthy,